Surveys & Valuations

Holroyd Miller are Chartered Surveyors and Valuers, and we offer a comprehensive range of professional survey and valuation services.

We have been providing valuation and survey advice since 1897 and our team of Surveyors are all RICS Registered Valuers who between them offer over 75 years of professional experience. If you need a property inspection or formal valuation for any purpose please give us a call to discuss your requirements.

Residential Valuation Survey
Buying a home is a large financial commitment and for many the largest made in a lifetime and getting professional advice about the property is essential. At Holroyd Miller we offer a valuation survey for house buyers. The report is similar to a mortgage valuation inspection and primarily provides advice around the value of the property. This is likely to be most useful to buyers who simply would like to know whether the price is reasonable based on the overall condition of the property, either before or after making an offer.

Homebuyers Survey And Valuation
The Homebuyers Survey and Valuation is a comprehensive survey and valuation for those buyers who want a more in-depth inspection and report. This survey is designed to assist homebuyers in making an informed judgement around the purchase of a home. The report will provide a brief description of each element of give each element a

rating between 1 and 3 and provide advice on the property’s condition. It also includes a valuation which can prove useful when entering into negotiations with a seller and finally there’s also an insurance reinstatement assessment.

Probate And Taxation
We provide formal valuation advice for probate purposes and for taxation requirements. These two factors are often interconnected and even where the deceased estate is not the subject of Inheritance Tax a formal valuation can be useful for Capital Gains Tax planning. We also provide formal valuations in accordance with The RICS Red Book for accounts purposes.

Matrimonial And Court Valuations
Our team of Chartered Surveyors can provide valuation and survey advice as independent experts for a variety purposes. We carry out formal reports for matrimonial and family cases in accordance with the Civil Procedure Rules and we can provide expert advice on a whole range of disputes involving property matters from initial guidance to giving evidence in Court.


Member of the Royal Chartered Institute of Surveyors (RICS) representing everything professional and ethical in land, property, and construction.

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